Traditional Marketing


Traditional marketing is a type of marketing where you promote your brand through the advertisements that we see and hear every day like newspapers, Radio, Print, Magazine, billboard, calling, etc. Traditional marketing stands for various offline advertising and promotional methods.

In the digital era, the company uses traditional marketing for advertising too.

Traditional marketing is also important in advertising as it plays a significant role in attracting local markets. Your advertisement creates brand awareness in an overcrowded place for a long time. Another benefit of traditional advertising is, that you can reach people who are not online.

But there is some drawbacks of traditional marketing, For example –

• You cannot target your specific audience

• You cannot interact with your audience

• You cannot measure your response like feedback, interaction with your ads

• Traditional marketing is not cost-effective

Examples of Traditional Marketing: Television, Newspaper, Radio, Print Ads, Ads in related weekly magazines, Brochures, Door to Door, etc.

These include:

1. Print (magazines, newspapers, etc.)

2. Broadcast (TV, radio, etc.)

3. Direct Mail (catalogs, postcards, etc.)

4. Telephone (telemarketing, SMS marketing, etc.)

5. Outdoor (billboards, flyers, etc.)

Most companies still use traditional marketing, like Coca-Cola, Nike, and McDonald’s. It has evolved in the last few decades, but the fundamental aspects remained the same. It still relies on the 4 p’s of marketing: price, place, product, and promotion.

With the technological advances we have today, it would be a shame to entirely rely on traditional ways. Sure, you can reach your targeted audience by making catalogues of your products or by making a commercial but be warned that it requires a lot of money and it will never bring you exposure like digital marketing can. It also doesn’t allow direct interaction with customers which is necessary for your business to grow.