The working of Search Engines is categorized into 3 parts.
When a user posts the query on a Search Engine, the request is sent to the Ranking Algorithm. With the help of query keywords and Google ranking algorithms, results are displayed on the Google Search Engine Result Page.
CRAWLING – Google Bots, also known as Spiders/Crawlers, where a crawler (A web crawler is a program used by Google to make an index) reads the source code on your website or webpage, storing all data in its local server.
INDEXING – With the help of Indexer, unorganized data is categorized in sequence and saved in the main Google server.
RANKING – According to Google’s Ranking Algorithm, data is displayed on the Google Search Engine Result Page.
**Crawlers extract the information from different websites and store data in a local server, unorganized data is categorized via Indexing, and information is displayed according to the Ranking Algorithm.